Whats your fav animal

Friday, April 30, 2010

The snake.

Yesterday, my cat Oreo was carrying a snake in her mouth. She dropped it in front of our feet. She did this because she lives us. I thought it cool. It was still alive, but hurt. It had teeth marks. Then she picked it up and dropped in in the driveway. Mom says it is a garter snake.

Richard (Chardman7)


eirenee said...

I hope the above photo is not the actual snake that Oreo found because then, that would be scary. But probably not for you! You're a brave boy! I'm just a girl. Just kidding. :-) I'd kick that snakes butt, just like Oreo.

Angel said...

I'm surprised that you weren't even scared. I like the name of your cat.

tsx33 said...

nice! oreo is a crazy cat!

Unknown said...

You should come with us to the velodrome for garter snakes, praying mantis, pheasants, and other amazing NY City wildlife.

I enjoy reading your blog.

MGF said...

nice Rich hope you blog soon.

Homeschooled Kid said...

When a cat does that that means he or she loves you. :)>

With lots of teeth marks,
